

Based with Eroded Oyster, topped with Eroded Oyster & Baby's Ear Moon Shell. Let this hybrid one of a kind piece be the keeper of your secrets. What lies heavy and loud, this gentle listener will take it in and hold no judgment, but instead radiant the warmth of a confidante.

Activating mantra: “I transform this weight into air, for I am not alone under the sky.

This is mine

Based with Eroded Oyster, topped with Eroded Oyster & Baby's Ear Moon Shell. Let this hybrid one of a kind piece be the keeper of your secrets. What lies heavy and loud, this gentle listener will take it in and hold no judgment, but instead radiant the warmth of a confidante.

Activating mantra: “I transform this weight into air, for I am not alone under the sky.

Based with Eroded Oyster, topped with Eroded Oyster & Baby's Ear Moon Shell. Let this hybrid one of a kind piece be the keeper of your secrets. What lies heavy and loud, this gentle listener will take it in and hold no judgment, but instead radiant the warmth of a confidante.

Activating mantra: “I transform this weight into air, for I am not alone under the sky.